Minggu, 26 September 2010

Tie Dye

What did you do?

First, I was given a piece of cloth and then Ibu Lisa explained the techniques and step by step on how to make it. Then I got some rubber bands and tied it on the cloth in the way I wanted to and then the class went outside and there were four different colours that we could use and then I had to dip it in a colour and when I was done I had to dip it in water. Afterwards I went and hung it on a hanger so that it could get dry the next day.

What had been the success/failure?

Success: It’s colourful, and I like the colours

Failure: Some of the colours faded

What will you do better/ differently?

I would have used more rubber bands and tie it in a different way to be able to create it in a better way by having it more colourful, make them in a circle, and by doing it this way it would have looked better.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Journal: Silk Screening

How to do it? With the silk screening first of all you need to have a screen that has the specific picture needed that has the shape needed. Then get a specific paint color and then put it on the screen and spread the paint first, once it has been spread you put pressure with the tool and press it hard on the screen so that it can go on the shirt/bag. Wait till its dry then go to the next color and screen.

Materials and tools needed: The tools needed is paint, plain white/black shirt, and the screen.

Tips to be successful? The way to be successful is that you have to make sure that you are spreading the paint steadily.

What did you learn from the activity? I learnt how to do silk screening which was really new to me, I wasn’t very happy with my results, but I learnt from my mistakes to be able to do it right if I do it again, one of the other things that I learnt about some new tools and how to use the screen and make a shirt.

How would you do it differently if you do it again? I would make sure that I spread the paint more steadily because it smudged because I was shaking.

Tie Dye:

Tie Dye:

How to do it?

Get the paint ready

Get rubber bands and tie it on to the fabric

Dip the fabric into the paint for whichever color you want to use

After that dip it into water

Then take of the rubber bands and its done

Materials needed:

Rubber band





Tips to be successful:

Make sure that the rubber band is on the fabric and tide tight, and make sure that you dip it in water after your done putting on the paint.

What did you learn from this activity?

I learnt how to do tie dye properly, and step by step on how to do it correctly.

How would you do it differently if you did it again?

I would tie it in a different patterns with more colors, and do it more carefully.

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

5 Other Aspects

6. Traditional Instruments:
There are many traditional instruments from Central Kalimantan such as The Sampek which is an instrument that is similar to a guitar. A Gerdek is kind of flute, and both the Sampek and the Gerdek can be found mostly in the Dayak tribe.

7. Traditional Houses:
A type of traditional house from Central Kalimantan is Rumah Betang, this specific house is sort of long. This house is built with 6 rooms, these rooms are used to keep weaponary used for war, a room for womens education, rooms to sleep in, a living room and more.

8. Traditional Marriage:
There are several things that people have to do when a man wants to marry someone. One of them is when the man brings money to the parents of the person he wants to marry. Then they talk about the marriage gold, the date of marriage, and the costs of the marriage. The groom wears shorts with a shirt along with a vest, and around the chest and legs there certain tattoo accessories. The Bride would wear a short skirt made up of small beads, and their hair would be accessorized with flowers called Sedap Malam.

9. Climate:
The climate for Central Kalimantan is tropical

10. Lakes

Central Kalimantan is filled with trees, lakes, and swamps. There are many lakes here and one of there lakes is the Tahai Lake which is located in the Tahai village, in Palangkaraya city. It is still unkown on how this lake was made, around this lake is a dense forest. One of the unique things about this lake is that the water is read which was caused by the roots from the trees.

- http://www.google.co.id/imglanding?q=rumah%20betang%20kalimantan%20tengah&imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3028/2923411131_9d243a599b.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php%3Fp%3D23775128&usg=__hGVQfBMfyJAOwC_gjNlJlCco1do=&h=375&w=500&sz=130&hl=id&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=NnwkODYsekBfKM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drumah%2Bbetang%2Bkalimantan%2Btengah%26um%3D1%26hl%3Did%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&sa=N&tbs=isch:1&start=0#tbnid=NnwkODYsekBfKM&start=0

- Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Information Packet

- http://indotourismplace.com/center-kalimantan-tourism/tips-tahai-lake/

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

5 aspects of Central Kalimantan


The population for religion in Central Kalimantan is mainly Muslim which is a total of 65%, Christian 16,2%, Hindu 17.7%, and Budha 0.21%. There is also a religion called Kaharingan which is the Dayak tribes religion which they believe in animism.

Flora and Fauna:

There are many different kinds of flora and fauna's found in Central Kalimantan such as Rattan, wood, Mangrove tree, and pine are the fauna of Central Kalimantan, for the fauna is Orangutans and different species of monkeys.

Plantage and Agrliculture:

Central Kalimantan has many plants and agriculture such as rubber, coconuts, coffee, pepper, and for the agriculture is rice, corn, soybeans, onions and fruits.


There are many interesting tribes that can be found in Central Kalimantan one of the well know tribes is the Dayak tribe and they have many traditions and cultures. The other tribes are Ngayu, maanyan, dusun and many more.

Traditional Dances:

There are lots of dances used in Central Kalimantan such as Balean Dadas, which is a dance used when someone is ill, and another dance is Tambun and Bungai which is a heroic dance which is based on two people called Tambun and Bungai who fought against enemies who were trying to steal the harvest.


- http://library.thinkquest.org/26300/dance_kalimantan.html

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

1. Dinner dance is when a band performs, and we bring food. If people want to join this event must pay an entrance fee and the money can go to the poor.

2. Film show is when we set up a movie on a projector and give a fee to watch

3. Donate school materials, like books, pencils etc. to the poor


Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Care Label Example

Website: http://www.patternworks.com/uploads/symbols.jpg